
PHENTABZ REVIEW: Detailed Insights into Its Performance and Issues

PhenTabz is a multi-function weight management product by GenTech that claims to offer users a number of weight loss-related benefits. Gentech describes Phentabz as a “miracle pill” for weight loss, which is a bold claim. We’ve looked into Phentabz carefully to find out whether it lives up to these claims, and below, you’ll find our Phentabz review, exploring everything we’ve uncovered about this product.


Three different Phentabz products are available on the market in 2021: Phentabz, Phentabz Teen (aimed at 16 to 19 year olds), and Phentabz Plus (only available with a prescription). All of these are variants on the same formula, and offer similar benefits. Phentabz is a weight loss supplement that claims to speed up your metabolism, driving excess fat out of your body. GenTech claim that Phentabz is aimed at helping people who want to lose weight but have had no luck with exercise.

It is also claimed to suppress appetite, reduce hunger pangs, and help with weight loss in various ways. Phentabz diet pills are recommended in a dosage of one capsule per day and are easier to take than many other weight loss supplements, which require preparation before you can take them.


The Phentabz website does not list its ingredients, which should instantly raise red flags for consumers. As far as anyone can tell, it contains three main ingredients: caffeine, octopamine, and methylhexanamine, or DMAA.

Caffeine is a simple stimulant found in many different products. It won’t make a huge difference to anything positively or negatively. The other two, however, are more interesting chemicals with effects on your metabolism.

Octopamine is a chemical that’s generally thought to have minor fat burning effects. There’s no research to support this claim, but it doesn’t seem to be a particularly powerful ingredient.

The major ingredient worth investigating is DMAA. This is the main ingredient of Phentabz, and it is illegal in many countries and banned by most major sporting organizations. It is considered a potent supplement that may well be dangerous to consume. The fact that the Pnetabz website does not list this is a major cause for concern!


Phentabz doesn’t have much scientific research available to back up its claims. There’s no clear link between using this product and weight loss, and while there are customer reviews on their website, they all seem to have been paid for by the company. If you see positive customer reviews, then, they certainly can’t be trusted. The bottom line is that it might work to some minor extent, but it’s certainly not the miracle product the company claims it is. It’s also genuinely dangerous, thanks to the range of side effects we’re about to discuss.


The fact that the major active ingredient in phentabz is illegal in many countries should be more than enough to warn you away from this product, and the side effects are minor but likely. Once again, its website does not list these side effects, which should be cause for concern.

DMAA and Octopamine have recorded history of causing severe nausea and paranoia. At the same time, the other highly possible side effects of this product include heart rate increase, breathing problems, anxiety, irritability, and insomnia.

DMAA in particular is a problem. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), DMAA can have major side effects that can cause all sorts of cardiovascular problems. As well as raising blood pressure significantly, DMAA can cause shortness of breath and a feeling of chest tightness, and can even cause heart attacks in some users.


Derek Vest, the former president of GenTech, was sentenced to 18 months in prison and fined $2.5 million after being found guilty of misleading consumers through mislabelling supplements sold by GenTech. Most Gentech products contain DMAA, which is not an FDA-approved dietary supplement and is illegal in many countries.

As early as 2012, the FDA issued warning letters to companies using DMAA, telling them to remove the ingredient from their products. Gentech has continued to sell products containing this hazardous ingredient, and the lawsuits around Phentabz centre around their purposeful failure to disclose this ingredient on the label of their products. While they now acknowledge the presence of DMAA, GenTech make no acknowledgement of the dangerous nature of this ingredient.

Phentabz is, therefore, currently illegal in the USA, thanks to its use of DMAA.


Phentabz is a specific product that differs in many ways from Phentermine, a common prescription weight loss drug. The two are entirely unrelated, and it seems likely that PhenTabz uses “phen-“ in its name to suggest to consumers that it is similar to Phentermine, a far safer and more legitimate weight loss product. Phentermine is a safe prescription weight loss supplement, while it is a dangerous weight loss product with a wide range of possible side effects and no connection at all to Phentermine. If you’re uncertain which of these two products is better, we’ve got a clear answer: It’s Phentermine. There’s no uncertainty about this. Phentermine is a legitimate and safe weight loss supplement, and wins out over it in every way.


PhenTabz can currently only be purchased from the GenTech pharmaceuticals website at a base price of $69.99. It’s also available from some of the larger eCommerce sites, such as Amazon, for a similar price, although sellers on these sites are likely untrustworthy.

It is worth remembering, however, that due to the illegal nature of DMAA in many countries including the United States, online ordering of PhenTabz is not a reliable option. Your order may be seized by customs for containing banned substances, and you will not be able to get your money back in that case! It is entirely legal for a website to sell you a product that it then can’t ship for legal reasons, so watch out! Just because a product claims to be available in your area does not mean it’s legal.


PhenTabz is difficult to find, expensive, and straightforwardly illegal in many countries due to its dangerous ingredient with no proven advantages. As such, it is easy to state that PhenTabz is not a product you should ever consider taking, regardless of the (dubious and paid-for) user testimonials on the GenTech website.

There is no clinical research backing up the claims about it’s effects, the ingredients are hazardous and banned in many countries, and GenTech has an “F” rating from the Better Business Bureau. PhenTabz is in no way a good choice, and there are far better and more legitimate products available to help you with weight loss without legal issues and the risk of heart attacks and death.

The bottom line is that GenTech is an extremely shady company that appears to lie about its product’s effectiveness and fail to divulge its ingredients and possible side effects. Not only should you avoid it, but you should also be extremely wary of all other products offered by GenTech, as this company is not a reputable source of medical supplements in any way. Click for info for more.

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