
REGAL SLIM FACTS AND REVIEW: Everything You Need to Know Before Buying

Regal Slim is a weight loss supplement that promises to boost metabolism, burn fat, and help to tone your body. The manufacturers are Regal Nutra LLC, based in California, and they promise that their supplement is “scientifically advanced” and “all natural”. These are fairly standard claims, and you can see almost identical promises from pretty much any other diet product, both from effective weight loss supplements and fraudulent products that don’t offer any benefits.

So which is it? Is the regal slim weight loss pill a legitimate and effective weight loss product, or are we in fact looking at a regal slim scam here? We’ve done extensive research into regal slim, how it works, and what its effects are, and below you’ll find the results of our studies in order to determine whether this is a weight loss product you should consider or not.


Regal Slim is an expensive weight loss pill made by Regal Nutra LLC. Its active ingredient is Garcinia cambogia. No added fillers or binders are included in these pills, and the company claims that its formula is made in a GMP-certified facility. It’s essentially a weight loss pill that offers pretty much the same benefits and ingredients as most other weight loss pills on the market, but at a price roughly three times higher than that of many equivalent supplements.

The other main distinguishing feature of Regal Slim is its unfortunate sales method. The only way to purchase regal slim is to subscribe to their auto renewing delivery service at $99.97 per month, although they offer a free trial before you get started. Unfortunately, they automatically start billing you after 18 days, and will do almost anything to avoid ending your trial, ranging from refusing to answer emails to claiming that their system is not operating and that you can’t cancel at that moment. This is obviously a problem, and is a large part of why people talk about a regal slim scam.


The short version: Not particularly well. Regal Slim is often listed as a scam, although we perhaps wouldn’t go quite that far. The company’s website does not inspire a particularly large amount of confidence. There are no customer testimonials on the website, and the site does not allow any Regal Slim reviews from external sources.

While Regal Slim might offer minor weight loss effects for customers, it is not particularly effective in most cases. It appears to be primarily focused on tricking customers into accidentally signing up for lengthy and expensive subscriptions. While we can’t prevent you from trying Regal Slim, you should be sure to read the terms and conditions in detail before signing up for a trial!


The only ingredient listed on the website is Garcinia cambogia. Obviously, other ingredients are incorporated into the regal slim weight loss pills, but the company’s reluctance to list them should concern all customers. Given that we can’t find any information on the other ingredients of the pills, let’s investigate Garcinia cambogia a little bit. Before we do, though, it’s worth noting that while the website promises 1000 mg of its active ingredient in every capsule, the bottle only lists 766 mg. That’s concerning, but it’s more important to know what this ingredient actually is and what it does.

Garcinia cambogia came to prominence thanks to an appearance on the popular Dr. Oz tv show, in which it was described as a “miracle ingredient”. This popular ingredient is a tropical fruit used as the main active ingredient in many weight loss supplements. The rind of this fruit contains HCA, more properly known as hydroxycitric acid, a naturally occurring chemical that has often been claimed to help to suppress appetite and boost your body’s natural fat burning process.

Studies have indicated that the main effect of hydroxycitric acid is to inhibit citrate lyase, an enzyme used by your body in the process of fat production, as well as increasing your body’s production of serotonin, which can help reduce appetite. The scientific evidence so far indicates that Garcinia cambogia based products can cause a little weight loss in the short term, but not particularly major impacts of any sort.


Given that the company do not indicate what is in regal slim beyond Garcinia cambogia, it is impossible to know what the potential side effects of this weight loss pill may be. That’s a major danger and means that there’s no way to guarantee that there are no side effects to this pill.

Garcinia cambogia itself should not cause any hazardous side effects, but it’s the mysterious other contents of the pill that are cause for concern. That being said, you should also be a little concerned about the uncertainty over the strength of the garcinia cambogia included in this pill. Given that the company lists it at two different concentrations in two different places, there is no way to tell which is the correct number and no reason to trust any “facts” offered by the company.


Regal Slim’s customer service is something you should be very wary of. While the company makes it seem that you can order a free trial bottle of Regal Slim with no cost other than the shipping and handling, this is not the case. You have to call and cancel your subscription within 18 days of placing your order, or you’ll be automatically billed a very expensive $99.97 and sent a second bottle.
This will continue until you email or call Regal Nutra LLC to cancel your subscription. The cost of those regular $99.97 bottles can add up extremely fast, making this a very expensive diet product that simply cannot live up to the cost.

In addition, you’ll have to return the product after you cancel your subscription to avoid a further charge. If you don’t send the product back to the company, you’ll be charged a further fee for keeping the product, which is another unpleasant hidden charge. Oh, and to make matters worse, the only returns they’ll accept are for completely unopened bottles, meaning that in order to avoid a further charge you’ll have to have completely ignored the bottle you were sent and not even started to open it, let alone tried the pills at all.

There is no other customer service available for Regal Slim, and even in this situation, the email address provided does not always seem to get a response. It’s best to use the phone line to cancel your order rather than risk the email address.


Regal Slim can only be purchased directly from the Regal Slim website and is not available from wholesalers or retail outlets such as Amazon or Walmart. This is in large part due to Regal Nutra LLC’s extremely questionable business practices, as they offer only a single purchase option designed to trap customers into unintentionally spending a large amount of money on their product with no easy way to cancel.

Your only option for buying Regal Slim is to subscribe to their $99.97 monthly auto-renewing subscription service, a dubious method that does not allow you to cancel easily. While it appears that you can freely cancel at any time, most Regal Slim reviews indicate that the company likes to ignore emails and come up with contrived excuses for failing to cancel subscriptions even when contacted via their customer service phone line.


The bottom line is that there’s no way we can recommend regal slim weight loss pills to any prospective user. While we believe that regal slim diet pills are effective to some small level, they are nowhere near as effective as the company claim them to be. There are many problems, though. The fact that there is no way to tell exactly what the ingredients of regal slim weight loss pills are, or what the concentration of the active ingredients is, should be a cause for concern in all users.
The biggest problem with regal slim is the scam billing situation, which is why so many regal slim diet pill reviews are negative. This product is extremely expensive, and there is no easy way to cancel regal slim subscriptions, leaving you locked into almost $100 per month on diet pills that don’t actually do much. It’s a major problem, which is why we recommend that you avoid regal slim in all situations. Many other diet pills have reasonable effects for far lower prices, and most don’t lock you in to expensive subscriptions that you can’t cancel easily. More tips here.

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