
FRANK MEDRANO – THE VEGAN MUSCLE BUILDER: Tips on Building Muscle with a Vegan Diet

For those concerned about maintaining a vegan diet and being a bodybuilder, look no further than Frank Medrano. He is perhaps one of the first bodybuilders to be widely discussed in the press because he is powered entirely by plants.


Frank Medrano is a bodybuilder, athlete, and dedicated vegan who has proven that diet should not prevent one from achieving their desired physique.

He is known primarily for his YouTube channel, where he regularly posts videos of his grueling workouts and calisthenics, which he does to maintain his strength. He has recently been interviewed by various media outlets and has risen to fame because he is a bodybuilder on a vegan diet.

Typically, bodybuilders’ diets are full of red meat and animal products. Yet Medrano has proven that there is a new way to maintain this physique while being ethical.


Like most people, Frank Medrano was not born vegan and actually ate meat and other animal products for 30 years of his life.

However, the real story starts in Frank’s twenties, when he is overweight and unhappy. This motivates him to start working out and taking better care of his body.

But, like most people who work out, he quickly became bored with his workout regime. He has claimed that the free weights and the resistance machines available to him in the gym simply weren’t enough.

He wasn’t seeing the results he wanted.

This leads him to calisthenics, strengthening exercises that do not require equipment. Frank Medrano found great results from using his body as a weight and developing his strength this way.

Even though he saw great results with this, it turned out that there was a better way.

Frank Medrano has only been vegan for a couple of years, but he claims he was inspired by his good friends Dan Attanasio and Noel Polanco, who are vegan bodybuilders.

These two friends helped Frank Medrano create a meal plan, and he embarked on a vegan diet. He was so pleased with the results that he continued to stay that way for the rest of his life.


Frank Medrano embarked on a plant-based diet for two to three months after receiving support from his friends.
Within this short time, he claimed he noticed a significant difference in his health and well-being.

Frank Medrano claimed that the most noticeable effects of going vegan were increased energy and quicker recovery times.

Consuming more natural foods and getting his plant nutrients has significantly impacted Medrano’s workout and general well-being. His increased energy has allowed him to push harder during workouts, and his quicker recovery time means he can work out daily without damaging himself.


Frank Medrano claimed that although the transition into veganism has given him brilliant results, it wasn’t easy. If you, too, have spent your entire life-consuming meat and animal products, it can be quite hard to go vegan or plant-based.

To make the transition a little easier, follow in Frank Medrano’s footsteps by:

    • Having A Great Support Team
Frank Medrano had a great advantage in changing his diet and lifestyle because he had a support team around him. Thanks to the support and help of friends Dan Attanasio and Noel Polanco, Frank became vegan and has not looked back.

Ensure you have people around you who are too embarking on a vegan and plant-based diet. Working together will help keep you on track and ensure you have someone to hold you accountable.

    • Meal Plan
In the initial stages of becoming vegan, Frank Medrano followed the strict meal plans his vegan bodybuilding friends created for him. This ensured that he always knew what he would eat and wouldn’t be tempted to return to his old diet.

Even if you do not have vegan friends, you can get some great plant-based meal plans from various online sources or recipe books. Take some time to plan every meal and ensure that your kitchen is always stocked with plant-based ingredients as this will make it easier for you.

    • Go Cold Turkey
Frank Medrano decided to become vegan and stuck with it. He went fully vegan and cut out all animal products from his diet.

Some people may think it will be easier to become vegan if they start small, perhaps by being vegetarian for a while before cutting out other animal products.

However, Frank Medrano has proven that this doesn’t work, and the best result is simply going cold turkey. Cut out all animal products from your diet and ensure nothing is left in your kitchen.

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