
PRO MUSCLE FIT REVIEW: Understanding Its Benefits in Muscle Enhancement

ProMuscle Fit pills are a new nutritional supplement that claims to increase strength, build lean muscle, increase energy, reduce post-workout recovery, boost muscle repair, and generally give great gains. That’s a pretty impressive set of claims, but are they true? Can the company behind this new supplement pill back the claims up, or are we dealing with a Pro Muscle Fit scam here?

Before you start to take any sort of nutritional supplement, it is important for you to find out whether it is an effective addition to your diet or just a waste of money and a scam. In the worst-case scenario, some of these supplements could even be actively dangerous for your health! In order to work out whether Pro Muscle Fit is legitimate, ineffectual, or a scam, we’ve done some thorough research into this supplement and its claims. So, is Pro Muscle Fit worth your time, money, and attention? Read on to find out the results of our research and investigations!


Pro Muscle Fit is a nutritional supplement made in the USA. The manufacturers claim that it offers increases in strength and energy, a boost to the building of lean muscle, faster muscle repair, faster recovery after working out, and a boost to all your gains. That’s a lot of claims for a single product! In addition to this, the manufacturers claim that there are no side effects at all from using this fitness supplement.

The anonymous manufacturers of ProMuscle Fit say that in order to see benefits from using, you should take 3 pills per day, and should start seeing results within 2 to 3 months of regular use. That’s not as implausibly fast as many fitness supplements claim to give results, but that’s no guarantee of efficacy in itself.


Pro Muscle Fit contains a blend of amino acids and related compounds that are claimed to boost the production of NO (nitric oxide) in your body. These ingredients include A-AKG (arginine alpha ketoglutarate), A-KIC (arginine ketoisocaproate), GKG (glutamine alpha ketoglutarate), and OKG (ornithine alpha ketoglutarate). But what do these ingredients actually have to offer for users of Pro Muscle Fit? Let’s take a look at each one in turn in order to find out.

All of these are natural amino acids and might offer a few benefits. According to WebMD, both arginine alpha ketoglutarate and glutamine alpha ketoglurate could possibly offer slight benefits for reducing muscle breakdown after experiencing major trauma or surgery. Still, there’s no real evidence linking these two particular amino acids to any noticeable boost to athletic performance.

Ornithine alpha ketoglutarate seems to offer pretty much no benefits to athletic performance, or at least none with any major scientific backing at all. It’s a useful amino acid for general health but doesn’t seem to be a particularly valuable ingredient for nutritional supplements such as this Pro Muscle Fit.

The final major ingredient of Pro Muscle Fit is arginine ketoisocaproate (otherwise known as l-arginine in many situations). This amino acid has a range of benefits, including helping with erectile dysfunction and high blood pressure, as well as speeding up recovery time after surgery. Still, none of them are relevant to exercise performance. Pro Muscle Fit’s ingredients do not have any evidence linking them to the benefits listed by the manufacturers.


Does Pro Muscle Fit work? Let’s examine some of the science behind this nutritional supplement. A number of scientific studies might be relevant here, as arginine is a relatively well-studied ingredient in fitness supplements. A 2014 research study showed that taking arginine supplements before exercise can reduce muscle fiber damage and maintain maximum exercise performance for as long as possible. However, this study was performed on rats and had no human subjects involved.

A 2013 article found evidence that arginine was an effective supplement for performance boosting, but only in very specific situations. These specific situations included additional supplementation with leucine, isoleucine, and methionine, and only after fasting for a period of time beforehand. That’s perhaps not so useful for most users, unfortunately!
Overall, it seems that generally increasing amino acid intake around periods of exercise can make a difference to your performance and results. That doesn’t seem to be entirely focused on Arginine, however, and expensive nutritional supplements probably don’t offer much more beneficial results than just drinking a good quality protein shake might. That seems like a big disappointment compared to the manufacturer’s bold claims of incredible boosts to your exercise performance and gains!


For most people, the ingredients of Pro Muscle Fit should be safe to take and free from side effects. However, l-arginine can cause unwanted side effects in some users. These include abdominal pain, an upset stomach, breathing difficulties, and lowered blood pressure. This means that if you are already being medicated for low blood pressure, you should avoid all supplements containing l-arginine.

It’s also worth noting that these side effects are known to occur in users who take doses ranging from 20 mg and 700 mg, and there is no dosage listed for each amino acid in Pro Muscle Fit. This lack of information means that there could be dangerously high dosages of any of these amino acids or insignificantly low ones, which is a problem in its own right.

If you experience any of these side effects, you should always stop taking the supplements immediately. If the symptoms persist, consult a doctor immediately.


Pro Muscle Fit is available only as a 12 day trial for $5, which includes a 30 day supply of Pro Muscle Fit capsules. After the 12 days is up, you’ll be billed $79 for the pills you’ve already been sent, and automatically enrolled in a monthly subscription for another $79 every single month.

The problem is that no information on how to cancel your subscription during or after your trial is available online, and the customer service number offered on the website leads to a number that appears to have nothing to do with Pro Muscle Fit. That’s a major problem, and the free trial appears to be designed to force you into a subscription that you can’t cancel even if you want to, charging you $79 per month with no way out.


There are a number of aspects of Pro Muscle Fit that raise concerns. Firstly, the pro muscle website is a branding-free WordPress website with no company name mentioned. That doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the legitimacy and trustworthiness of the people behind Pro Muscle Fit, which makes it hard to trust their product without doing a bit more research.

The second problem is that the entire pricing system appears to be designed to trick you into signing up for a long-term subscription with no clear way to cancel it. That, coupled with the fact that the customer service number listed on the Pro Muscle Fit website appears to be a fake number, certainly makes Pro Muscle Fit look like a scam.
There is no scientific backing for any of the claims made by the anonymous manufacturers of Pro Muscle Fit, and the ingredients listed do not seem to offer the benefits promised. That’s a major concern, and at $79 per month, it’s a very expensive option if it doesn’t work well at all!

Pro Muscle Fit reviews almost all say that this fitness supplement is a scam, and the few positive reviews all appear on Pro Muscle Fit websites with no reliable source given. That makes it seem as though the positive Pro Muscle Fit reviews are probably all fakes made to sell the product, which does not exactly inspire confidence.


Overall, we would say that Pro Muscle Fit is almost certainly a scam, and we would recommend avoiding this product at all costs. It’s expensive and ineffectual, and the company’s business practices are very poor.
We cannot recommend even the trial of Pro Muscle Fit, as this inevitably leads to being trapped in expensive regular charges. Pro Muscle Fit is a scam and should be avoided. Go right here for more information.

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