
VIOTREN REVIEW: Essential Guide to Understanding Viotren’s Effectiveness and Safety

There are many different erectile dysfunction pills out there that promise natural ingredients, low prices, and powerful effects. Still, you should always be extremely careful when checking out any of these products. These supplements often make bold and impressive claims, but finding evidence to back these claims up can be difficult, particularly if you’re attempting to research these erectile dysfunction supplements on your own.

That’s why we’ve done extensive research for you, and below you’ll find the results of our investigation into Viotren pills. We’ve looked into Viotren supplement reviews, and can definitively answer questions like “does Viotren work?”, “What is in Viotren?” and “is Viotren safe to use?”. So, is this new erectile dysfunction pill a genuine and effective new supplement for your penis, or is it just a Viotren scam that you should steer clear of?


Viotren is a pill for erectile dysfunction that promises to restore your testosterone levels in only 72 hours, as well as improving blood circulation throughout the body. It also promises “an increased sense of well being, vitality, and sexual performance”, and claims to have no side effects at all. Those are bold claims, and there don’t seem to be any scientific studies out there to back up those claims, which raises an immediate red flag before we’ve even started any deep dive research into Viotren pills.

Viotren claims to recently have been awarded a US patent, which sounds good, but it’s important to note that this does not mean that the product is proven to be effective in any way. In fact, the patent is just for a method of preparing tongkat ali, the active ingredient of Viotren. It has nothing to do with the efficacy of Viotren as a penis enhancement product.


Viotren’s ingredients are primarily plant extracts, and it can be surprisingly difficult to find any information on any of these ingredients. The main active ingredient is tongkat ali, but it also includes a few other ingredients. Let’s look through them one at a time.

Tongkat ali, more properly known as Eurycoma longifolia, is a plant extract that seems to be the most important ingredient of Viotren, and is listed as the active ingredient. The American Institute of Longevity, the manufacturers of Viotren, claim that they have developed a more potent and easy to absorb formulation here, but there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of convincing evidence that it’s actually as effective as the manufacturers claim.

Studies are mixed as to the effects of this extract. Some claim that it is effective for treating male sexual disorders, but a significant number also find no effect. The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database says that is might possibly be effective for male infertility treatment, but offers no discussion of its value for erectile dysfunction. It appears that if taken regularly for periods of over a month, then tongkat ali might help with testosterone levels, but it definitely won’t be effective in the 72 hours claimed by the manufacturers. It’s also worth noting that there is a risk that this ingredient could easily be contaminated with dangerous substances such as lead and mercury.

The other ingredients are even less impressive. Those listed online include piperine (regular black pepper), Piper nigrum (also regular black pepper), Rhodolia rosea, and DIM. None of these have any known benefits for the treatment of erectile dysfunction at all, and seemingly tongkat ali is the only one that might be of any use at all for male sexual health.


We’ve found no evidence of harmful side effects from the ingredients, but that does not mean that this product is reliably safe. While none of these ingredients are known to cause problems in regular users, the risk of contamination is not to be ignored.

Tongkat ali, the main active ingredient of Viotren, is known to have a high risk of contamination with metals such as lead and mercury. Both of these are extremely toxic and should not be consumed, as they are very dangerous. While most legitimate manufacturers would avoid contaminated sources, the lack of evidence for any legitimacy surrounding the American Institute of Longevity, who manufacture Viotren, should be cause to concern. Without a more legitimate provider, there is no way to tell whether or not the tongkat ali used is safe from metal contamination. As such, we would recommend avoiding it for your own safety.


As far as we can tell, probably not. There are no testimonials as to the efficacy of this particular product, and two of the main ingredients are literally just regular black pepper. It’s possible that there might be some benefits from tongkat ali, but the scientific studies around this are mixed.
While some suggest that there might be a slight benefit for male sexual health, the results claimed by the adverts for Viotren are far beyond plausibility. The best you can hope for is a minor effect over a few months, and certainly not the 72 hour recovery promised by the manufacturers.


Many erectile dysfunction products are scams, offering no benefits at all and a high price. Some of them are even dangerous, rather than just passively ineffectual, and you should be very cautious when dealing with unrecognized products. In order to work out whether that is the case with Viotren, we’ve done a bit of research into the company behind it.

The American Institute of Longevity, the manufacturers of Viotren, is not listed with the Better Business Bureau at all, which is concerning. To make matters worse, the Viotren website,, is hosted using an anonymous service which prevents anyone from identifying the owner of the site. It’s a recently registered site, and seems to feature a number of elements that raise red flags with website security analysts. Overall, It is definitely looks like a scam, and we certainly wouldn’t expect them to honor their money back guarantee.


Overall, we would not recommend risking the use of Viotren. This product does not seem to be an effective one, and the lack of any legitimacy surrounding the American Institute of Longevity raises major red flags. The company behind Viotren does not seem to be a legitimate one, and there is no guarantee that the product is safe for use at all, unfortunately.

It looks likely that there might be a slight benefit possible from Viotren, but not a significant one. The risk of mercury and lead contamination, however, is a major problem, and is more than enough to make us advise avoiding it in all situations. It might not be the worst product out there, but it’s certainly not a great one, and the manufacturers do not appear to be legitimate or trustworthy in any way, which makes their product completely impossible to recommend at all. For more insights and recommendations, visit our homepage.

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