
JASON STATHAM WORKOUT REGIMES: How to Build Strength with the Deadlift Workout

Jason Statham is Hollywood’s favourite tough guy. He has starred in movies such as Fast and Furious 8, Snatch and The Expendables, which shows that, like his body, his popularity is impressive.

Statham is now over 50 years old, yet he seems to look and feel as though he is still in his prime. It is clear that a lot of work has gone into building Statham the way he is today.

But that doesn’t mean it isn’t achievable for you, too.


It is clear that Jason Statham wasn’t built overnight, and his physique requires constant work. Luckily for us, we can find out which workouts Statham uses to stay in good shape.

With this information, we, too, could have bodies like his.

But working out isn’t all that is needed to have a body like Jason Statham’s. The man himself has been reported as saying that mindset and good mental well-being are just as valuable as hours in the gym. In order to get a body like Statham, you need to make sure you are dedicated enough and willing to put in the work.

Here, follow some of the best tips from the man himself about how to get the body you’ve always wanted.


Doing the same thing over and over in the gym can reduce the results you are seeing as your body builds up resistance. This can make us lose motivation as we go through a lull.

Take a leaf out of Jason Statham’s book and try something new. Jason Statham doesn’t just hang out in the weights section to work his body but incorporates gymnastics into his routine. Gymnastics is a great form of strength training that can work your muscles in new ways, giving you better results.


Working out and training can quickly become repetitive, which is why we often experience a lull in motivation or excitement.

Jason Statham has claimed he never does the same thing twice in the gym. Not only does this stop him from getting bored, but it also improves the results he sees as he always pushes his body to do something new.

To get a body like Statham, allow yourself to change things up during your workout. You can miss leg day or your ab workout every so often without damaging your progress. Experts actually say that strength training just a couple of times a week can have a significant impact on your body.


Jason Statham is not a fan of excuses and claims that not having access to a gym is merely an excuse. Statham, to fit working out around his tight schedule, built his own gym at home so he could train his body whenever he wanted.

Of course, having the ability to build your own gym at home is not accessible to everyone. But be dedicated and inspired by Statham’s ‘no excuses’ rule.

There are plenty of workouts you can do at home with limited resources. Unless you professionally train for something, you don’t need access to several different weights or a squat rack. Choose something versatile and effective, like kettlebells, that you can use to train different parts of the body when you’re at home.


Trying to do a complicated workout or pushing yourself too far will only result in injury, and even Statham has been there.

Nothing will damper your results more than being out of action due to an injury you could have prevented. When working out or strength training, stretch before and after to improve your mobility.

It is equally important to follow the right postures and positions to prevent injury.


A huge part of working out is focusing on the muscles you’re trying to train. Knowing what you’re doing is important to getting the results you want.

Jason Statham has claimed that working out isn’t about how much you can do, but rather refining what you already know.

Taking time to focus on the exercises you want to do and paying attention to the muscles being stimulated will ensure that you are on the right track to success.


In addition to spending a lot of time getting his mindset right, Statham also works hard to maintain his body. Working with a renowned personal trainer, Logan Hood, an ex-Navy SEAL, Statham has constructed solid workout regimes to strengthen his body.

Statham never does the same exercise twice and instead has different workout regimes for different days of the week, all of which are designed to strengthen and tone.

Here are some workout regimes he uses intermittently to strengthen and tone.


The following exercises should be performed in a circuit, each one as a set in succession without resting. A pyramid circuit is called this because, after each round, a repetition is added.

  1. Press-Up
  2. Ring Pull-Ups
  3. Barbell Squat

Ring pull-ups are the same as standard pull-ups, except Jason Statham uses gymnastic rings instead of bars. He also performs each repetition as quickly as possible while still maintaining control.


For this workout, Statham uses different weights for different periods of times. He steadily increases his weights as he goes through this workout, performing fewer reps with more rest time.

  1. 135-pounds for ten reps. One minute rest
  2. 185-pounds for five reps. Two minute rest
  3. 235-pounds for three reps. Three minute rest
  4. 285-pounds for two reps. Three minute rest
  5. 325-pounds for one rep. Three minute rest
  6. 340-pounds for one rep. Three minute rest
  7. 350-pounds for one rep. Three minute rest
  8. 360-pounds for one rep. Three minute rest
  9. 365-pounds for one rep


These four workouts should be performed as a circuit. For each exercise, you should hold the specific position for 30 seconds. In between exercises, you will have ten seconds to change stations. Statham performs this for four rounds.

  1. Ring Dip Hold

Hold yourself in the dip position for the time specified. Like with pull-ups, Statham uses gymnastic rings for this exercise instead of the dip station that has parallel bars. When working in a gym, these bars will suffice.

  1. Kettlebell Farmer Hold

Grab a pair of heavy kettlebells and hold them at your sides. If necessary, you can also use dumbbells.

  1. L-Sits on Dip Bars or Parallettes

L-sits can be performed on a dip station with parallel bars, but Statham performs this exercise using parallettes.

  1. Bodyweight Squat Hold

Get into the lower position of a squat with your thighs parallel to the floor and hold this position for the time above.


For this workout, created by strength coach Dan John, Jason Statham performs a circuit of five exercises ten times. There is no prescribed rest.

  1. Front Squat with 95-pounds
  2. Pull-ups
  3. Decline Parallette Pushups

For this exercise, you need to grip the parallette bars and have your feet on the box so they are roughly one foot higher than your hands. This allows you to go into a much deeper bottom position.

Click here for more details.

  1. Power Cleans

This is an Olympic weightlifting move that can work out the full body.

  1. Knees To Elbow on Pull-Up Bare

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