

Losing weight can be very difficult and it’s a struggle that we’ve all had to deal with at some point. There are so many different diets and eating plans out there that make things even more complicated, so it’s no wonder that we all struggle to get the body we want quickly.

If you are struggling to lose weight and are tired of feeling as though you can’t enjoy food anymore, then there may be a solution out there. The 1:1:1 diet is considered to be more than just a controlled eating plan, but a lifestyle change that has helped many people achieve the body of their dreams and improve their health.

This is a one-meal-a-day dietary plan that is designed to encourage fast and sustained weight loss. It allows you to control your intake of protein, carb, and fat while also providing the body with everything it requires.

Many diets are designed to provide fast, yet short-lived results but the one one one diet is something that can change your life for the better. If you are wanting to lose weight, then this might be something you should try.


The One One One Diet is a weight loss program that is developed by Rania Batayneh, MPH who is a nutritionist and author. It is likely that you have already come across Rania Batayneh MPH through her best-selling book ‘The One One One Diet: The Simple Formula For Fast and Sustained Weight Loss’ which started this entire movement. This book was developed based on the programs that Batayneh gave her clients who were struggling to lose weight.

These clients, like many of us, were trying to maintain what they considered to be ‘healthy diets’ yet saw no weight loss. Batayneh noticed a pattern with all of these clients, in the fact that even their healthiest food logs seemed to contain what she considered unnecessary foods, hence the lack of results from their dietary plans.

The One One One Diet is a one-meal-a-day weight loss plan that restricts the time of day in which you can eat as well as the number of meals you can eat in a day. There are many different variations of this diet that have appeared over the years, including intermittent fasting, and alternate-day fasting.

The main idea of this weight loss plan is to reduce the number of calories you eat every day and in every meal, but ensure that you are getting the right nutritional content required for your body.


For those who have already tried a lot of diets in the past, the One One One diet may just seem like another fad – but it is far from it. This is a lifestyle change that is based on the idea that healthy eating shouldn’t be difficult, in fact eating healthfully and creating better eating habits should not only be easy to do but also easy to maintain. This is great news from every point of view, even those with the busiest lifestyles.

Nutritionist Rania Batayneh is not only an expert in this field, but she is also a mother so she knows a busy lifestyle more than most of us. That was one of her biggest inspirations for this fat loss plan, as she knows how difficult it can be to balance healthy eating habits, with a young family and a successful career.

The One One One Diet helps you lose fat by restricting your calories, like every other kind of diet. However, what is different about the simple 1:1:1 formula for fast and sustained weight loss is the fact that it keeps your body in a constant state of burning fat, hence the prolonged results.

When you are eating regular meals and snacks, your body gets used to a constant stream of calories which it will burn for energy. However, on the One One One Diet, you are restricting this calorie stream which will make the body turn to another energy source to keep it going.

Instead of using calories, your body will have to turn to another energy source which means it will start to burn fat for energy. This is how you will see fast results from this weight loss plan, as well as other health benefits.


The concept of this diet is very simple, which is why it is so effective and so popular. It works on the idea that your body only really needs one serving of essential nutrients, like one protein, one carbohydrate and one fat at every meal. Although this weight loss plan restricts calories and the number of meals you can eat in a day, your body will still be getting all of the nutrients it needs like protein and fat.

When on this lifestyle change, you will have one protein, one carb and one fat at every meal. You will only be consuming one meal per day, which you can choose based on your preferences, but it will contain enough calories to keep up with your activity levels as well as all the nutrients your body needs so you will not feel deprived.

Based on the kind of eating strategy you are focusing on, one to two small snacks may also be allowed during the day, but the starting point for everyone is to cut your eating into one meal per day. No-calories liquids are also allowed throughout this plan, like water, tea, and coffee.

This is an easy and effective way to eat healthfully and lose weight, while also being sustainable. The reason why this diet is so sustainable is the fact that you are consuming a calorie decrease, without feeling deprived. This will help you lose weight and fat, while also being easy enough to maintain to keep your body as healthy as it can be.

The simple 1 1 1 formula for fast and sustained weight loss may seem too good to be true, but hundreds of people have seen great results with this diet plan, causing a lot of media attention and even diet doctors, as well as others within the diet industry, to get on board with this kind of fasting.


One of the best things about this plan is the fact that you can still consume a wide range of different foods in your one dish a day, as long as they contain the right levels of protein, carbohydrate, and fat. No matter your food preference, there is going to be something you enjoy and can continue to eat when on this dietary plan. It is even possible to continue making family meals while on the One One One diet without losing track.

To get you started, here are some things you should add to your list next time you go to the grocery store and add them to your one meal:

  • Carb: potatoes, fruit, legumes, beans, grains, whole wheat bread
  • Protein: eggs, chicken, Greek yogurt, fish, cottage cheese, green beans
  • Fat: chia seeds, olive oil, avocado, cheese, almond butter, nut butter

Vegetables are considered to be ‘free foods’, according to Rania Batayneh. This means that you can have as many as you like on your meal and they could also be used as snacks during the day, as they have no calories.

As you can see, even though this diet is quite restrictive, you can still have a good range of foods including some of your favorites. That means that you can still have a roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes, chicken wraps, or a delicious chickpea curry while still going down in dress sizes. You can even continue to eat treats like bread, cheese and other foods that are not normally recommended in a diet book simply by eating in moderation.

As well as a good range of food choices, this diet also comes with a range of beverage possibilities. Water is, of course, the best thing to drink no matter what kind of diet you are on, as there is zero water calorie. However, for non-water- drinkers you still have a good range of options including tea and coffee.

It is recommended for you to get into drinking water more regularly, as not only will this help you keep fuller for longer but it is also essential for your body’s health.


Nutritionists, like Rania Batayneh, Joel Harper, and Kristin Kirkpatrick have claimed for years that fasting is one of the best solutions to any weight problem. There has also been some scientific research done into this kind of diet plan to see what kind of health benefits come from this, and you may be surprised by what they found.

A fasting eating plan can offer a lot of benefits including the fact that restricting your daily calorie intake can decrease blood pressure and improve heart health, due to the fact blood sugar levels will be lower than normal.

There are also some studies to suggest that restricted eating, like on the One One One Diet, can also be linked to improved memory and result in a potential longer life span.

Those who have tried Rania Batayneh’s simple 1 1 1 formula for fast results have also reported improved energy throughout the day. Eating just one nutrient-dense dish a day has been reported to reduce the ‘afternoon slump’ that anyone can experience and has helped increase energy levels, so you can get more done throughout the day.

As you are eating almost all of your net carbs in one sitting, not only is your body weight controlled but you will also feel fuller for longer which is not something we’d expect from a diet plan!

If you’re tired of eating bland diet meals, constantly feeling hungry and not seeing results then this could diet could be the answer to all your weight issues.


It is important to note that although the weight loss rules of Rania Batayneh’s nutrition plan may work for some people, some negatives could affect you. Before deciding to go on this kind of diet, you will need to speak to your doctor and get their opinion. Fasting can be a great way to lose weight, but it may not be suitable for some individuals with health problems.

To decide whether this is one of your better ideas, you will need to be aware of the risks that can come with fasting.

Fasting can result in:

  • Fatigue
  • Extreme sensations of hunger
  • Brain fog and confusion
  • Feel weak
  • Lack of concentration
  • Binge eating or lack of control

These sensations typically occur in the early stages of this kind of diet plan, when you are trying to control cravings and your metabolism hasn’t quite caught up. However, they can affect you at any time. If you do not think that you will be able to handle the deprivation at any point, then this may not be the best thing for you to do. You need to put your wellness first before trying any kind of diet.


The One One One formula could be the key to unlocking the new you, who has reached their goal weight and feels healthier than ever before. The bottom line is that this is the worst-kept weight loss secrets in the industry, as anyone can try it. It’s an effective dietary plan that can help any body type change their appearance.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has never been easier than with the One One One approach. Nothing is off-limits when you cut eating down into one dish a day that promises to fill your body will all the nutrients it requires. Simply reducing your calories to one dish a day will help you lose weight and feel better for it.

If you’re bored with counting calories, eating bland foods, and over-exercising then this is a great plan for you.

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